It has been said countless times over the years that exercise is very very important for good health and let me tell you that nothing has changed. It is still important as ever and it cannot be stressed enough that incorporating an exercise regimen into your daily routine will create a stronger body and hence your body will be able to fight off disease more effectively.
It is essential to build needed muscle mass and reduce fat, particularly as we get older. Strength training is vital to increasing your overall strength by improving muscle mass and stimulating bone density. Doing short sessions at the local gym or even in your own home is the most efficient way to increase your endurance, stamina, prevent back problems, build calorie-burning muscle tissue, and giving your body a fabulous looking shape. Incorporate into your daily routine some strength training exercises such as lifting weights 3-4 times a week, and some aerobic exercises such as pace walking, running, cycling or swimming 30 minutes a day every day.
So we all know that most people don't get enough sleep. It's a fact! You personally have to admit that once or twice in your life-time you would have experienced sleep deprivation. How did you feel the next day? Of course you felt terrible, run-down, tired, grumpy, snappy, unhappy, irritable, moody, negative, foggy thinking, headachy, sore eyes, stressed, pain behind the eyes, and do you want me to go on? I think you get the picture. On the other hand when you had a fabulous sleep you felt the exact opposite. You had enormous energy, jumping out of your skin, ready to take on the world, happy, vibrant, positive, clear thinking, refreshed and stress free.
It is critical for your body to get at least 8 hours of sleep each day. The right amount of sleep will help your body to regenerate and restore normal metabolism, and is often the most frequently overlooked reason for feeling old, tired and de-motivated.
Your body needs to be regularly cleansed on the inside. We wash our bodies on the outside by showering daily, washing our hands, brushing our teeth to prevent decay, but we neglect the most important parts of our body which are the organs inside. The organs on the inside are the ones that need the most attention in order to function properly which in turn gives us good health.
The Isagenix 30 day Cleansing and Fat Burning System really helps create a cleansing and nutrient infusion routine to optimize health, help you feel younger and boost your energy.Visit for more information.
Isagenix is the world leader in Full Body Nutritional Cleansing. When you take these products it works a miracle by cleansing every single cell in your body , including the brain, ridding it of toxins. Then, at the same time this health system feeds every single cell in your body, including the brain, the highest quality nutrition found on the planet. This is a life changing product and that is an understatement!
Dr John Gray, famous Family Therapist/Psychologist, and famous author of MEN ARE FROM MARS WOMEN ARE FROM VENUS fame puts all of his patients onto the Isagenix program and they all get great results. The human body is a miracle once it is cleansed and fed the highest quality nutrition. You experience way more energy, mental clarity which helps you make good decisions, you feel and look years younger, and there is a side benefit of weight loss. Dr Gray calls Isagenix "Food for the Brain". We call it a SUPER FOOD, and that's exactly what it is, a food.
You see, we live in a toxic environment. It is not a secret that our food contains toxins. Farmers spray their crops with pesticides and herbicides, they inject their food supply with hormones and anti-biotics and then we, the consumer, put these foods full of toxins into our bodies. No wonder disease is so rampant in our society today. Obesity, Diabetes and depression have increased significantly and the new science today is claiming that these diseases are linked to toxicity.
The air we breathe is highly polluted, the water we drink is full of dangerous heavy metals, the clothes we wear are toxic, the food we eat is toxic, the paint on our walls are toxic, the plastics in our homes and cars are toxic, the cleaning products we use are toxic and the list goes on and on. I am not trying to scare you, but to say that we cannot escape this toxic world. We are stuck here, all of us, and unless you live in a bubble you are going to have to be doing something to protect yourself. Isagenix can help! It's an all-natural product, a meal replacement, and a very delicious food that cleanses and feeds your body all in the one system. Now that's an ingenious invention, wouldn't you agree? Visit for more information.
Did you know that about two-thirds of your body weight is made up of water? Water keeps your cells hydrated, allows nutrients to be transported directly to your cells efficiently, lubricates your joints, is used to create saliva, tears and sweat, regulates body temperature, and helps keep your bowels functioning regularly.
Drink at least eight-ten 8-ounce (230gm) glasses of water daily. And of course be sure that it is filtered water and not water from your tap which contains dangerous heavy metals. Those nasty chemicals found in your water will cause illness, guaranteed.
Stress is a feeling that's created when we react to particular events. It's the body's way of rising to a challenge and preparing to meet a tough situation with focus, strength, stamina, and heightened alertness. Stress elevates blood pressure and cortisol, a hormone that helps you in a "flight or fight" situation.
Good stress is critical during emergency situations, such as when a driver has to slam on the brakes to avoid an accident. It can also be activated in a milder form when under pressure but with no actual danger. For example, getting ready to go out on a date, or going for a job interview or sitting for a final exam. A little of this stress can help keep you on your toes, ready to rise to the challenge. The nervous system quickly returns to normal state, standing by to respond again when needed.
Bad stress can be caused by, or exasperated in, times of loss, transition, or change which can contribute to heart disease, high blood pressure, and strokes. But left with prolonged elevated levels can also lead to negative, age-promoting effects such as blood sugar issues, abdominal fat, decreased muscle mass, more inflammation and less ability to fight off disease or illnesses.
Isagenix has formulated a product which helps reduce stress by bringing the body into perfect balance and harmony. It is jam-packed with over 100 all-natural nutrients and taken daily will also give you a boost of natural energy and mental clarity. The Isagenix Ionix Supreme drink is a very potent formula of minerals and adaptogenic herbs and is very safe. Visit for more information.
One puff of cigarette smoke contains over 1000 oxidizing molecules! There's not enough antioxidants to combat this amount! Smoking increases your risk of all various types of cancer and furthermore you will gain lines, wrinkles and skin damage and you will look older than you really are.
Drinking too much alcohol can cause unnecessary stress to the brain and the liver. It kills an enormous amount of brain cells which in turn causes you to have a foggy mind and slower reflexes.
Having an unhealthy liver due to over excessive alcohol consumption will cause all sorts of problems.The liver is a vital organ of the human body and is essential for survival. It is located on the right side of the body near the abdomen. The liver breaks down fat in the bloodstream, converts glucose to glycogen, helps produce urea for generating urine, filters toxins from the blood and produces 80 percent of the body's overall cholesterol. So we want to keep our liver in optimal condition. So the advice is to minimise your alcohol consumption.
Avoid fatty foods as much as possible. One saturated fat to avoid would be the fat contained in animal foods. Stick to lean meat which is free from fat. Trans fats raise LDL cholesterol and lower HDL cholesterol, increasing the risk of heart disease. These fats are dangerous and are created when manufacturers hydrogenate liquid oils to increase their shelf life. They are mostly found in packaged products and nearly every food that contains shortening. Don't eat too much of these! Oh, by the way avoid margarine as this is artificially created and not good for your health, believe me!
Try to incorporate into your diet each day some of the following foods which contain healthy fat. They are referred to as "Monounsaturated Fatty Acid" foods. These are SUPER healthy foods! .
OLIVES are a good source of iron, vitamin E, copper and fibre. It helps protect your nerves, thyroid, and connective tissue. It also helps regulate your digestive system, control blood sugar levels, and manage blood cholesterol.
NUTS AND SEEDS especially walnuts which protect against inflammation, heart disease, asthma, arthritis and improved cognitive function. Nuts and seeds are good sources of protein, fibre, iron, zinc, magnesium, copper, B vitamins, and vitamin E. My favourites seeds are pumpkin seeds.
AVOCADOS helps maintain healthy eyes and keeps cholesterol down. They are rich in vitamin K which helps clot blood, and potassium which helps regulate blood pressure. Use avocado in salads and as a spread instead of butter.
DARK CHOCOLATE contains natural substances that help control insulin levels and relax blood vessels, lowering blood pressure and provides important minerals including copper, magnesium, potassium, calcium, and iron. Be sure to get pure dark chocolate without all the added sugar.
Rejuvity skin care products are without comparison. The Ageless Renewal Serum is a big seller and really works wonders for the skin. Visit for more information. The Serum replenishes your skin the way Nutritional Cleansing replenishes your body. This product is applied to lines and wrinkles on the face, around eyes, forehead, neck and chest. The Serum combines the most effective natural ingredients that enhance your skin to its optimum level of health and radiance. Isagenix has again excelled and has produced the number one serum on the market today. Use it morning and evening and watch the results after 30 days. You won't believe it! I highly recommend you try it. Listen to what some Health Professionals have to say about the Serum.
By: Maurie and Luba Calculli
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