Addiction can be defined as a compulsive need for and use of a substance that is psychologically or physically habit-forming and negatively affects the addict's health and life. If the addicted person has become dependent on the substance, physiological symptoms will likely be experienced upon withdrawal.
When dealing with addicts, one must remember that the addicted person's brain has been altered by the substance's use, regardless of the substance or behavior involved. Many people have spoken to their loved one about his or her addiction but without success. An alcoholism intervention involving a knowledgable outside professional can be helpful when attempting to have your loved one recognize their addiction and obtain help in stopping it.
Here are typical alcoholism intervention steps that may be used to help move your family out of crisis mode and address the addiction of the person you care about:
1. Contact the Alcoholism Intervention Facility - during this phase, you will have researched the possible alcohol abuse intervention facilities. Once you've selected the treatment center, you'll contact them to discuss your situation. The treatment facility staff will assess your specific needs and will determine if intervention is appropriate.
2. Investigate Treatment Options - based on the specifics of your alcoholism intervention needs, the alcohol abuse intervention treatment options will be outlined for you. This can consist of inpatient or outpatient options, medical issues, insurance coverage, admission details and who from the treatment facility staff will be overseeing the alcoholism intervention process.
3. Outline Action Plan - your interventionist specialist will guide you through the steps of setting up the structured, professionally supervised alcoholism intervention.
4. Pre-Intervention Meeting - this meeting may take place at your home or workplace, depending on the situation, and will likely involve the other caring persons who will be part of the alcoholism intervention. During this pre-intervention meeting, the interventionist may discuss the disease of addiction and how it impacts the lives of family, friends, co-workers and others. How the alcohol abuse intervention will be conducted will be covered and the roles of loved ones during the intervention will be discussed. What the treatment will consist of as well as what the post-intervention process will involve will likely be outlined and questions will be answered.
5. Intervention Meeting - the alcoholism intervention may take one or two hours and will be a structured process consisting of family members, close friends, co-workers and so on who are coming together for the purpose of sharing their concerns about the addicted person's behavior and getting them to accept help for their addiction.
6. Treatment - if the addicted person accepts help for their addiction, he or she may go immediately for admission to the treatment facility if inpatient services are the plan. If outpatient services will be used, the addicted person will be taken immediately to the treatment facility so that the individual can be assessed and treatment begun.
7. Post Intervention Consulting and Services - following treatment, the post intervention becomes the focus. Continued support for the addicted person greatly increases the chances that the person will remain clean and sober. There may be weekly sessions to learn how to identify and manage stress in ones life and to incorporate relapse prevention techniques. This post intervention time is vital as the addicted person will be making the transition from treatment to becoming a person that's more independent, healthier and productive with a life of sobriety.
Alcoholism disease has profound consequences on the health of the addicted person and adversely affects their lives as well of the lives of those around them. A question you may want to ask yourself is - how much worse does the addiction have to become before you are willing to take action? Consider using a structured alcoholism intervention with the experience and assistance of qualified professionals to help the loved one face and conquer their addiction. It is never too late to begin recovery from alcohol addiction. Help is available, and the sooner one begins the recovery process, the better.
By: Olinda Rola
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